Writing CSS has gotten a lot easier since I started doing this. I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought, “arg! If I could just use variables! Things would be so much easier!”
Hell, I’ll take just variables and color functions. But SASS and Compass give you so much more than that. Recently I’ve been taking great advantage of the ability to setup mixins that allow you to set certain styles and apply them to any element you want, and even their child elements.
In addition, frameworks like Zurb’s Foundation and Twitter’s Bootstrap have made it very simple to get structure and styles looking good and responding to screen size. I’ve studied these quite a bit to figure out which one to use, and if it’s worth the time incorporating yet another technology into the flow.
The conclusion that I came to for myself, is that in place of using these frameworks, I’ll develop a library of SASS mixins that allow me to set responsive styles and structure, and which will grow with my needs. One of the main benefits to this approach is the lack of dependency on structural classes in the markup.